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The Providence Peregrine Live Stream

Check back soon!
Live footage will be streaming any day now.

Images by Peter Green

2024 Updates From the Nest Box

Learn about the Peregrine Falcon's developmental milestones as they happen.
Please note that updates may be delayed on the weekend as our staff is out of the office.

Saw something exciting on the live stream?

Use the form below to submit observations of notable events and/or your questions. You can use the file uploader to submit screen shots.

PLEASE INCLUDE: brief description of the event, date and time, and then click "submit"!
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Providence Peregrines History

The table below contains the dates (month/day) that important events happened each season, since 2019. Click the YEAR to access the full "Updates from the Nest Box"

2024 20232022 2021 2020 2019
First Egg Laid 3/18 3/28 3/22 4/1 3/20 3/29
First Egg Hatches 4/25 5/3 4/29 5/8 4/30 5/5
First to Leave Nest Box 5/31 6/10 6/3 6/12 6/8 6/16
First to Take Flight 6/3 6/12 6/6 6/15 6/11 6/16
Last to Take Flight 6/6 6/15 6/13 6/17 6/14 6/17


Providence Peregrines Breeding Timeline
The chart below is created by Peter Green of Providence Raptors. Click the image to access the high-quality PDF version.

About the Providence Peregrines Cam

Perched high above the streets of Providence, these fascinating birds lay their eggs and raise their young each spring on the ledges of the Industrial National Bank Building - also lovingly known as the "Superman Building" to Rhode Islanders. In an arrangement involving the building owner, Audubon Society of Rhode Island, Cox Business and generous Audubon donors, the Peregrine Falcon nesting box can be viewed live online thanks to the cameras trained on the magnificent raptors. If you enjoy watching the Peregrines, please consider a donation to help us keep the camera running each season!

The Providence Peregrines Webcam is made possible by: