Lathrop Wildlife Refuge
Address: 102 Shore Road, Westerly, RI 02891
Hours: Open sunrise to sunset
Acres: 86 (To protect wildlife and habitat, please avoid walking through the wetlands and marsh.)
Trails: Less than 1 mile
Trail Difficulty: Easy
Restroom: No
Dogs are prohibited. Click here to learn why and review other trail guidelines.
Audubon's Lathrop Wildlife Refuge protects 86 acres along the northern shore of Winnapaug Pond, in the seaside town of Westerly. This refuge consists of coastal shrub land, freshwater wetlands, and salt marsh. A short and gentle trail leads from the parking lot down to Winnapaug Pond, offering wonderful opportunities for bird watching.
Refuge Highlights
- Habitat: coastal shrubland, freshwater wetlands, salt marsh
- Wildlife to watch for: horseshoe crab
- Birds commonly found: Willet, Snowy Egret, Great Egret, Common Yellowthroat, Yellow Warbler, Baltimore Oriole
- Offerings: Birdwatching
- Scenic views of Winnapaug Pond