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124th Annual Meeting

Resilience: Adapting, Growing, and Looking to the Future

Audubon is resilient. The pandemic did not slow or limit our work to protect nature.

We successfully advocated for climate change legislation, engaged thousands of students, families, and adults with virtual and in-person programming, and offered our trails as destinations to improve physical and mental health. We look to the future with a new agenda on renewable energy, avian research, and increased community engagement.

Watch the Meeting
Originally aired on Sunday, October 17, 2021

The 2021 - 2022 Board of Directors

Meet the New Members
Elected to the Board of Directors on October 17, 2021.

The Audubon Society of Rhode Island gratefully acknowledges the terms of service of Nicholas A. Califano, MD, Meghan Frost, and Everett Stuart who are stepping down from the board of directors this year.

2021 Audubon Partner and Volunteers of the Year