Information for Attendees
Audubon is looking forward to hosting Audubon members and supporters, along with regional partners, at our 2024 Birds Across New England regional conservation symposium!
Reducing Our Carbon Footprint
- Reduce Waste: We encourage you to bring a reusable water bottle, utensils, and coffee mug to use at the event.
- Carpool, Bike, or Take the RIPTA Bus
Spread the Word
This event will cover important topics that we want to share with everyone. Please help us by spreading the word with your friends and family:
Share our Facebook Event and/or Instagram Post
Send an email to your network and/or post on social media. Below is sample text you may copy and paste and you can access and save the accompanying graphic, here. Tag us in your social posts: Facebook - @AudubonRI; Instagram/Twitter - @RIAudubon
I'm excited to attend the Audubon Society of RI symposium, “Birds Across New England” on Feb. 4 in Newport. It will feature over 20 researchers from across the Northeast & a keynote address by author Carl Safina. Will you join me? Details & registration: https://bit.ly/AvianSymposium2024
About this Event
This symposium will provide you with information about what is being done to save our birds and what obstacles stand in the way of conservation success. The symposium will feature over 20 researchers presenting on topics ranging from birds and renewable energy to the impacts of climate change on bird populations, as well as a keynote address and book-signing by award-winning author Carl Safina. Tickets may be purchased at https://asri.org/BirdsAcrossNE