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Thank Your Legislator for 2018

(or encourage them to do better!)

Audubon is a founding member of the Environment Council of Rhode Island (ECRI) and Meg Kerr, Senior Director of Policy at Audubon, has the honor to serve this year as ECRI president. ECRI’s political committee includes many of the state’s environmental advocates and together we discuss bills and select shared priorities. ECRI’s political committee meetings are open to all.

Every two years, ECRI issues a Green Report Card where Legislators are graded on their voting records on priority environmental bills. See the 2017-2018 Green Report Card.

See how your state representative and senator performed. Once you review their grade, contact them with thanks or encouragement to be more environmentally responsible using the instructions and letter template below.


  1. Take a look at Environmental Council of Rhode Island's 2017-2018 Green Report Card and see how your legislator scored on environmental issues the past two years. If you do not know who your legislators are, click here.
  2. Find your legislator's contact information:
  3. Replace everything in red with the necessary information.
  4. "(If grade is good)/(If grade is not good)": Choose which statement to use and delete the other from the letter.
  5. You can send this letter via mail, email or even use this template as a script when calling your legislator!


Letter Template


Your name
Your address
Your email address - optional


Representative/Senator Legislator's Last Name
Legislator's Address

Dear Representative/Senator Legislator's Last Name,

I am a member of the Audubon Society of Rhode Island and I care deeply about protecting our state’s land and waters for birds, wildlife and people.

The “Green Report Card” prepared by the Environment Council of Rhode Island rates legislators on their votes on critical environmental bills. I have reviewed the Report Card and noted that you have received a ____ for your votes during the 2017 and 2018 legislative sessions.

(If grade is good): Thank you for your support for legislation that protects our state’s environment. I am sure I can count on your continued leadership on these critical issues.

(If grade is not good): I am disappointed with your lack of support for critical environmental bills and hope you can vote with Audubon this session.


Your Name