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Why can’t I bring my dog along?

For many, dogs are best friends, good companions and part of the family.

But dogs are prohibited on Audubon Society of Rhode Island wildlife refuges because:

  • Audubon Society of Rhode Island Wildlife Refuges are established to conserve wildlife. While we may view our dogs as companions, birds and animals see them as predators – animals to be avoided.

     Wildlife’s efforts to avoid dogs can:
    • Put wildlife at greater risk of being caught by either your dogs or another predator;
    • Can increase stress and energy loss when they are most vulnerable (nesting, migration, and in the winter).
    • Pregnant wildlife and newborn animals do not have the energy to repeatedly expend in avoiding dogs
  • The scent of your dog will linger well after your visit. Some wildlife will continue to avoid an area for prolonged periods, reducing their available habitat.
  • Some of your fellow visitors do not appreciate having a dog present in the area – this is their wildlife refuge too.

Thanks for your consideration, enjoy your visit!

Adapted from U.S. Fish and Wildlife National Wildlife Refuge System

Explore Resources for Dog-Friendly Trails:

Rhode Island Families in Nature

Bring Fido